

OMEGA Fiber Optic Monitoring System: New Features for Technological Security of Transneft Pipelines
OMEGA Fiber Optic Monitoring System: New Features for Technological Security of Transneft Pipelines
Since 2009 the OMEGA Company develops and produces multifunctional monitoring systems for extended facilities indicating in online mode oil, oil products and gas leaks as far as third party activity in the protected zone using a fiberoptic cable (FOC) as sensing element. Imp lementing distributed acoustic and temperature sensors the Leak Detection…
Prediction of Leak Mass Rate in High-Pressure Gas Pipeline
Prediction of Leak Mass Rate in High-Pressure Gas Pipeline
Gas pipeline leakage poses great threat to the environment pollution and system security. The gas leak mass rate is a key index in the assessment of risk level during pipeline leakage. In this study, compressed air flow in a high-pressure pipeline with leakage is considered, and the leak mass rate is investigated experimentally and numerically.…
Quantitative Pipeline Risk Assessment (QPiRATM) Fire and Dispersion Analysis of a Subsea Gas Pipeline Leak Using Empirical Consequence Modelling
Quantitative Pipeline Risk Assessment (QPiRATM) Fire and Dispersion Analysis of a Subsea Gas Pipeline Leak Using Empirical Consequence Modelling
A subsea pipeline transporting gas in Malaysia has a smal l leak at its subsea flange at 70m water depth, located 140m away from the processing platform. The flange has undergone three rectification works; however, the repair works were unsuccessful to achieve zero leak. A Quant itative Pipeline Risk Assessment (QPiRATM) fire and dispersion…
Real-time remote monitoring and risk management of oil & gas facilities subjected to natural hazards
Real-time remote monitoring and risk management of oil & gas facilities subjected to natural hazards
The term “natural hazard” is used to describe any natural pheno menon that might have a negative effect on humans and/or the environment. The natural hazards can be classified into two broad categorie s: geological and meteorological (e.g. landslides, volcanic eruptions, heavy storms, floods, droughts and high ambient temperatures). Furthermore,…
ptj-1-2020 Editorial
ptj-1-2020 Editorial
the Covid 19 pandemic has overwhelmed us all like a tsunami - unwanted, unanticipated and therefore completely surprising. It has plunged the global economy from a high into a deep crisis in a very short time. Nearly all areas of social and economic life have been affected and have to switch to standby or abort in the shortest possible time - or…
100km Pipeline Monitoring: Record Length For Intrusion And Leakage Detection
100km Pipeline Monitoring: Record Length For Intrusion And Leakage Detection
We demonstrate a record length of distributed acoustic fiber sen sing (DAS) for pipeline monitoring. Both intrusion (third party interference) and leakage can be detected. An ultra-sensitive architecture enables record length (100km for a single ended fiber sensing system or 200 km for sensing from both ends) detection while advanced…
Additional Functionalities Of Model Based Leak Detection Systems To Improve Pipeline Safety And Efficiency
Additional Functionalities Of Model Based Leak Detection Systems To Improve Pipeline Safety And Efficiency
The main purpose of a l eak detection system is of course the reliable and sensitive de tection and localization of leaks in a pipeline. Nevertheless certain systems such as those that are based on a pipeline model (e.g. E-RTTM based system, i.e. extended real-time transient model) deliver additional information of the pipeline operation and…
Advancements In Leak And Theft Detection Technologies
Advancements In Leak And Theft Detection Technologies
API 1175 discusses the requirements for continuous improvement in pipeline leak detection and the culture required for an effective leak detection program. The most commonly used internal based methods for leak detection are flow balance, negative pressure wave and Real Time Transient Model (RTTM). Several papers have been written on each type of…
An Exploratory Data Analysis Of Pipeline Coating Degradation
An Exploratory Data Analysis Of Pipeline Coating Degradation
Pipeline coatings can be constructed from a multitude of materials, all of which aim to provide a physical barrier between a pipeline and the external environment. Naturally, understanding the degradation characteristics of these different coating materials is critical, as with the onset of coating degradation comes metal degradation, i.e.…
An Increasing Concern: Third Party Interference Damage On Buried Pipelines.
An Increasing Concern: Third Party Interference Damage On Buried Pipelines.
Encroachments on buried HP Gas pipelines represent 50% of accidents on pipelines world-wide. The consequences for pipeline owners can be critical, resulting in fatalities and injuries, but also economic cost: shutdown of refineries, damage to the environment, increased compliance etc. This is a huge issue for both types of pipelines: • Older…
Challenges in the hydraulic simulation of slurry transportation through pipelines
Challenges in the hydraulic simulation of slurry transportation through pipelines
The transport of solid particles in a gaseous or l iquid carrier fluid, usually referred to as slurry transport, is an import - ant technology in various industrial fields. Examples for slurry usage are dredging and mining processes, fer tilizer and cement production, desalination plants, the food and paper industry, sewage disposal and…
Construction Of Pipelines In Steep Terrain With Cable Crane Systems
Construction Of Pipelines In Steep Terrain With Cable Crane Systems
Cable crane systems provide the solution when pipelines need to be built in inaccessible terrain. Pipes, construction material and equipment can be transported easily over demanding areas and be positioned at any point of the track. With a max. length of over 3.000 m and a payload of up to 20 metric tons material ropeways (cable cranes) can be…
Detection Of Non-Axial Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Using MFL Technology
Detection Of Non-Axial Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Using MFL Technology
Many factors affect how and when line pipe wil l experience a pipeline integrity threat, including materials, vintage, environment and loading conditions. An integrity threat of particular interest is stress corrosion cracking (SCC). SCC is a type of environmental assisted cracking (EAC) that can occ ur in line pipe under a ver y specific set of…
Know Your Deposits – Novel Deposit In-Line Inspection Tool For Quantifying And Characterizing Solid Deposits
Know Your Deposits – Novel Deposit In-Line Inspection Tool For Quantifying And Characterizing Solid Deposits
Pipeline pigging services in the oil & gas industry are of considerable mar ket size estimated to reach more than 14 billion USD by 2025. It is essential for the operator s to keep the lines open for smooth flow and the intelligent services are in focus to increase efficiency and cut the overall operational costs. Optimal pipeline cleaning…
Motion Method Selection For Improved Accuracy Of Time-Domain Analysis For Subsea Installation
Motion Method Selection For Improved Accuracy Of Time-Domain Analysis For Subsea Installation
When installing subsea structures and pipelines, the ability to capture the worst case loading and limiting sea states during the installation analysis can improve safety offshore and l ower the operational risks. Therefore, it is important to select the correct analysis method to obtain the most accurate results. Time-domain irregular wave…
Overcoming Challenges In Performance Validation Of Fiber-Optic Pipeline Leak Detection Systems
Overcoming Challenges In Performance Validation Of Fiber-Optic Pipeline Leak Detection Systems
External Leak Detection systems based on distributed fiber optic sensors (DFOS) o ffer the exciting potential to significantly reduce the overall amount of spilled product before a l eak is detected and localized. As an external system, the validation of system performance and equally the verification of an operational installed system is a known…
Pipeline Integrity Assessment Applications By Using Vibroacoustic Technology
Pipeline Integrity Assessment Applications By Using Vibroacoustic Technology
Asset integrity and operation reliability are primary objectives in pipeline management, nevertheless they require often costly methods, system and procedures. The vibroacoustic technology, developed by Eni S.p.A to detect impacts and spillages on Oil & Gas pipelines, already proved to be able to detect illegal tapping precursor events, and…
Real-Time Gauge Positioning And Inspection During Pigging Operations In Gas Pipelines
Real-Time Gauge Positioning And Inspection During Pigging Operations In Gas Pipelines
This paper presents a procedure for continuous real-time positioning and tracking of a Pipeline Inspection Gauge(PIG) travelling within a pipeline, by exploiting the pressure transients it generates during the displacement. In fact, the PIG produces recognizable sounds when crossing the welding dents and while sl iding against the pipe walls. This…
The Impact Of Geohazards On The Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project - TANAP
The Impact Of Geohazards On The Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project - TANAP
The routing of a pipeline is one of the most critical but often underrated activities in establishing a pipeline and has a direct impact on all aspects of building the pipeline – design, construction, operation, maintenance and most importantly on the overall cost of the pipeline. A key element which governed the route and design of the Trans…
The Integrated Solution of Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Fibre Optic Technology with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) For A Rapid Response To Protect Pipelines.
The Integrated Solution of Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Fibre Optic Technology with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) For A Rapid Response To Protect Pipelines.
When a pipeline comes under threat from criminal intent on stealing product by hot-tapping, a rapid and precise response is required to prevent the crime before damage can be done that results in spillage and costly clean-up. Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), uses fibre optic cables which are already in place alongside most pipelines for…
Zero Harm As An Achievable Target - How To Build A Journey Towards Zero For People, Significant Impacts On The Environment And The Community
Zero Harm As An Achievable Target - How To Build A Journey Towards Zero For People, Significant Impacts On The Environment And The Community
NTS is committed to ensuring everyone return home safely at the end of each day, and that our assets are operated in a safe manner. This commitment to safety is based on caring for employees, our contractors, the communities in which we operate and the environment. We are certain that Zero Harm is an achievable target and for this we focus on…
Editorial 6-2019
Editorial 6-2019
The pipeline community do not usually think in terms of individual years - the projects are usually too long-term for that. But some individual years are special. 2020, for example, will be interesting in various respects. On the one hand, legal disputes about specific projects are moving into the next round. Coastal GasLink, for example,…
Are we filling the pipeline with a capable “Next Generation Workforce?”
Are we filling the pipeline with a capable “Next Generation Workforce?”
“For the first time in the history of mankind, there are four generations in the workforce. There are 35 million Traditionalists (Silent Gen) and 84 million Baby Boomers, the largest number of workers, which began to retire in 2010-11. There are 68 million Generation Xers and 79 million Generation Yers (Millennials as they are better known).…
Calculation of a laser-scan-like 3D defect profile from conventional MFL data
Calculation of a laser-scan-like 3D defect profile from conventional MFL data
Calculation of a laser-scan-like 3D defect profile from conventional MFL data – For more-accur ate defect assessment and prediction of safe operating pressure. Reliable pipeline safe pressure prediction is increasingly required. Complex shaped volumetric metal loss is a challenge in this regard. Methodological In-line Inspection (ILI)…
Over-Voltage Protection on Pipelines
Over-Voltage Protection on Pipelines
Pipelines are commonly exposed to over-voltage conditions created by AC faults, lightning and induced AC voltage from high voltage power transmission lines. To protect personnel and the pipeline from the hazardous effects of these conditions, it is critical to properly ground the pipeline and provide continuity across isolation joints for AC and…