A new parametric study based on the Proper General ized Decomposition for the evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of buried pipelines
Pipelines related to industrial supplies such as oil or gas are a key p art of modern development, so it is important to ensure their appropriate response to a seismic action. The same applies to drainage or water supply in contemporary cities. Structural analysis of pipelines is a well-estab lished topic in engineering practice. In this paper, we…
Adapting oil & gas infrastructures to climate change
It is well known that natural disasters which are related to climate change (e.g. rising sea levels, heat stress, extreme precipitation, inland and coastal flooding, landslides, water scarcity etc.) are rapidly increasing through last decades. Climate impacts not only show regional and seasonal patterns, but also differ between territorial…
Europe´s Gas Supply Network: Key projects for trenchless methods and Pipe Express®
For the gas supply in Europe, a reliable pipeline network has the highest priority. Besides the construction of the main supply pipelines such as TurkStream and TAP, the fast and safe installation of the regional country-specific distribution networks like Eugal and Zeelink play a key role.
Different points of view of all involved parties have to…
Friction Stir Welding of Steel for Pipeline Fabrication
Friction stir welding procedure development was initiated on steel grades S460 G2+M and S690QL1 in plate wall thicknesses of 10 and 15mm. To tackle the challenges of the high mechanical loads on the tool as well as its premature wear, a combination of preheating and optimized weld backing set-up was implemented. The inductive preheating allowed a…
Geo Augmented Visualisation for improving safe operations of Natural Gas Pipeline Network
A pipeline network is the most efficient and economical means of transporting hydrocarbons. Pipeline Operator’s objective is to operate and maintain pipeline network in such a way that it would continuously provide uninterrupted services to customers. Locating underground pipes and other infrastructure prior to excavation or repair has long been a…
Key cyber-security controls for reliable pipeline operation
Our corporate public IT domains (like siemens.com) are constantly under cyber-attacks since they are connected to the public internet network. In a 2015 survey of 314 organizations operating Industrial Control Systems (ICS) around the world, 34 percent of respondents indicated that their systems were breached more than twice in the last 12 months…
Large Stand-Off Magnetometry (LSM) for Buried Pipeline Inspection - Experimental study: Influence of dent depth on residual magnetic signal
Dents are among the anomalies which may be a threat to safe operation of pipelines. Dents are characterized by plastic deformation, which causes changes in the magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic pipe wall. Skipper NDT, a company at the forefront of LSM technology, conducted trials to characterize changes in magnetic properties around dents.…
Machine Learning Approach to Distributed Acoustic Sensors (DAS) for Securing Pipelines in Urban Areas
Third party interference is one of the leading causes of pipeline failures and accidents that create great risk for safety and environment, as well as revenue loss for the operators. Especially in urban areas unauthorized and uncoordinated infrastructure and construction works pose serious threat to liquid and gas pipelines. Effective detection of…
System Reliability Improved Through Fast-track Force Main Replacement
The Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) transports and treats wastewater from several coastal communities in San Mateo County, California. In the spring of 2017, one of SAM’s force mains, the Granada Force Main, experienced a series of ruptures that disrupted operations and negat ively impacted local beaches. Due to its p revious history of breaks…
ptj-3-2020 Editorial
With this 3rd edition of the ptj in 2020 we are publishing 10 more articles from the 15th Pipeline Technology Conference that had to be restructured into a virtual event on short notice earlier this year.
The global pandemic is pushing us all to speed up digital transformation. For this reason, you could now see different kinds of online events…
A Holistic Approach to Achieve Excellence in Pipeline Security Using „BISMA” & “SOLIDS”
One of subsidiaries of Pertamina is Pertamina Gas which manage special task in operating crude oil transportation 12,000 BOPD. In the operation still occur illegal tapping activities and risk of pipeline product theft is a major concern to industry. In 2012, oil thieves drilled 748 illegal taps or an average 2 times every day. Losses from…
Design of tanks’ foundation and onshore pipeline against earthquakerelated geohazards in a coastal area in Northern Greece
The design of coastal oil and gasol ine tanks along with interconnected onshore and offshore pipeli ne in an area that is char acterized by very loose to loose gr anular and very soft to soft clayey soils, high water table and moderate or high seismicity will be much more demanding and challenging, since various issues are directly or indirectly…
Digitalization Projects for the Oil and Gas Industry
A new wave of digitalization is made possible by the combination of exhaustive int ernet access, computing power and storage capacity, artificial intelligence, big dat a, algorithmic autonomous decision making and r obotics. This ever accelerating digitalization is changing our life and the way we make business m ore than any other (r)evolution…
Hydrogen in Pipelines
Increasing the use of renewable energy requires new ap proaches to energy storage and energy transp ort. One of these approaches is to st ore and transport hydrogen in natural gas pip eline networks. Blending hydrogen into the existing natural gas pipeline network appears to be a strategy for storing and delivering renewable energy to markets.…
Lessons Learned on 20 years of challenges to internal corrosion protection of subsea pipelines-corrosion inhibitor or pH stabilization?
The three phase fluid of the massive South Pars reservoir under the Persian Gulf, is transmitted 100Km to onshore facilities via numerous 32” API 5L pipelines. The wet sour fluid cont ains 0.5 mol% of H2S and 1.7 mol% of CO2 which forms a hostile environment to carbon steel. Hence, as per form er laboratory researches at design stag e in about 20…
Maximising Accuracy Of MFL Pipeline Inspection
There have been significant advances in magnetic flux leakag e (MFL) in-line inspection (ILI) technologies in recent years. These have led to imp rovements in Probability of Detection (POD), Probability of Ide ntification (POI) and Probability of Sizing (POS).
Whilst often the main focus of these advancements is the inspection vehicle itself, the…
Multidisciplinary landslide assessment – a systematic and practicable approach for pipeline projects
Ground movements, with the clear majority being landslides, hav e caused several pipeline incidents worldwide in recent years. This, and experiences obtained from major engineering projects, shows that a systematic approach for the assessment of landslides is essential. A best-practice multidisciplinary workflow, based on detailed terrain analyses…
Overcoming the Challenges and Increasing Value in Fiber Optic Monitoring
Distributed fiber optic sensing has been gaining significant momentum in pipeline industry adoption. The primary application of this technology has been in p reventative leak detection, but intelligent new applications such as pipeline flow rate monitoring are now emerging and promise to deliver extra value to the pipeline operators.
We present a…
Safely repairing subsea flanges on flexible flowlines with a flexible bridging jumper structure
As offshore pipelines age, the oil and gas industry must properly maintain equipment to prevent leaks. In subsea flowlines, leaks sometimes originate from aging flanges. These flanges must be replaced. Historically, replacing the flange has required a lot of time. Different costly approaches are available, from subsea reparations to flowline…
Surge protection for insulating joints – suitable spark gaps and evaluation of the installation
Insulating joints are used for the electrical separation of pipeline systems or for dividing pipelines that are affected by high voltages into sections. The electrical isolation of cathodically protected systems is maintained until the dielectric strength/ flashover strength of the insulating joint is reached. Overvoltages which occur as a result…
ptj-2-2020 Editorial
Today you receive the 2nd edition of ptj, with which we publish the presentations of the “Pipeline Technology Conference”, ptc, which was cancelled due to the corona epedemia. The third special issue with the remaining 20 papers will be published soon.
The online ptc 2020 as a replacement has brought a surprisingly positive response. The…
Cost-effective Ultrasonic Inspection of Large Diameter Pipelines: Technology Update
To be successful in the ILI business, organization require the right mix of technological capabilities, operational agility and quality standards. The business is fairly competitive, and often technological capabilities are pivotal in the customer proposition of the company. However, the best technologies are not solely required for successful ILI…
Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Innovation and Renewables Integration
Consequences of global warming on Earth’s climate are one of the greatest challenges worldwide faced, particularly by industry players. To effectively reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, it is necessary to increase efficiency and exploit renewable energy sources.
Baker Hughes (BH) developed technologies to reduce CO2 emissions and…
GRP Piping Failures
Glass-fibre Reinforced Plastic pipe (GRP) systems, also known as FRP pipe systems, have been succ essful in the world’s markets for more than 50 years. During this time, they have developed into a modern pipe material that is predominantly convincing thanks to its lightweight, corrosion resistance, a smooth inner surface, and easy installation.…
North Sea Wintershall Dea Case Study
Mittelplate is the largest oil field in Germany, located in the environmental ly sensitive Wadden Sea of the German State Schleswig-Holstein. An artificial Drilling and Production Island, named “Mitt elplate A” (MPA), was build early 1980`s on a tidal shoal and is operated by Wintershall Dea.
In 2005, a 10 km, 10” stainless steel (1.4462 Duplex)…