
STATS Group Wins Another Contract for its Emergency Pipeline Repair System (EPRS)

STATS Group, a Scottish company providing full service capability for the maintenance, repair and modification of oil and gas installations and pipelines, onshore and offshore, has been awarded a contract for its Emergency Pipeline Repair System (EPRS) over $10 million stretching 10 years for the design, manufacture and test pipeline isolation and intervention equipment for a range of pipeline

Sempra Energy Secures Gas Pipeline Transportation Contract in Chihuahua, Mexico

Sempra Energy, an American natural gas utilities company based in San Diego, announced that it has been awarded a natural gas transportation contract worth an estimated $108 million in Chihuahua, Mexico by the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE). The award will be executed through Sempra's majority-owned IEnova and its subsidiary, Gasoducto de Aguaprieta.

API's New Standard on Pipeline Safety Management

Responding to recent spate of pipeline ruptures and explosions over the past year, the American Petroleum Institute (API) together with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has announced a new pipeline safety management standard titled Recommended Practice (RP) 1173.

Subsea 7 Secures Four EPC Contracts to Support Offshore Pipelines in Australia

Subsea 7, a global contractor specializing in seabed to surface engineering and construction and headquartered in the UK, has been awarded four contracts by Chevron Australia and INPEX Operations Australia for the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of an Emergency Pipeline Repair System (EPRS) for offshore use in Australia.

Construction of the Chinese Leg of the Transnational Russia - China Gas Pipeline Begins

In a video - transmitted ceremony marking the commencement of the Chinese part of the 3170 km - long Russia - China Gas Pipeline, Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev hailed the progress of the monumental project.

Permits for Preliminary Surveys on Turkish Stream Issued

Turkey announced this week that permits have been issued to Gazprom for the offshore section of Turkish Stream. According to the document surveys will be carried out within the exclusive economic zone and territorial waters of Turkey in order to place the first offshore string of the gas pipeline.

TransCanada Gets Green Light for Pipeline Facility Expansion in the Eastern Triangle

TransCanada Corporation, operating one of the largest natural gas pipeline systems in North America, announced that the National Energy Board has authorized the company to go ahead with the King's North Connection project, part of a $500 million pipeline and facility expansion within the Eastern Triangle of the Canadian system.

Energy Transfer Partners to Construct Crude Oil Terminal Connecting interstate Dakota Access Oil Pipeline

Energy Transfer Partners (ETP), a Dallas based natural gas and propane company, has received permission from state officials in North Dakota to construct a large crude terminal near Watford City, North Dakota, one of six planned in the state for the proposed 1134 mile Dakota Access Oil Pipeline.

Gazprom Establishes an Alliance to Build Two New Nord Stream Pipelines

Gazprom has announced that it will cooperate with Shell, E.ON and OMV in the construction of two new strings parallel to the exisiting Nord Stream Pipeline. The new 56 inch pipelines, to run along the floor of the Baltic between Russia and Germany, will total 1224 km with a capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per annum.

Queensland LNG Pipeline Sold by the BG Group

British gas giant BG Group Plc (BG.L), a global leader in natural gas, said on Tuesday it agreed to sell its wholly owned QCLNG Pipeline Pty Ltd subsidiary in Australia to APA Group (APA.AX) for $5 billion (3.19 billion pounds).

The pipeline network, running 543 km long, links natural gas fields to the Queensland Curtis Liquefied Natural Gas (QCLNG) export facility.

American Midstream Partners Proposes 50-Mile Crude Oil Pipeline in North Dakota

American Midstream Partners wholly - owned subsidiary, American Midstream Bakken, LLC, is conducting a binding 'open season' for a proposed 50-mile Bakken crude oil gathering and transportation system in the center of McKenzie County, North Dakota (the “Bakken System”) to transport initially 15,000 bpd and eventually up to 40,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil for delivery to major intrasta

Subsea 7 S.A. Awarded Pipeline and Subsea Construction Contract in Offshore Norway

Subsea 7, S.A. a subsea engineering, construction and services company serving the offshore energy industry with headquarters in London, announced the award of a $300 million contract for the Maria field development operated by Wintershall Norge AS. The field is located in the Norwegian Sea at a water depth of approximately 300 metres.

Gazprom and CNPC Sign Heads of Agreement For Gas Supply Via Western Route

Culminating years of negotiations Gazprom Management Committee Chairman Alexey Miller and the CNPC Vice President Wang Dongjin signed in Moscow this week the Heads of Agreement for a 2600 km, 56 inch pipeline from Russia to China via the western route.