Politics & Regulation

More Exacting Federal and State Regulations Expected After Natural Gas Leak Is Finally Plugged in Southern California

Sixteen weeks after high levels of methane gas were detected leaking from a storage facility owned by Southern California Gas Company (SoCal Gas - the nation's largest natural gas distribution utility) in Aliso Canyon, the California Department of Conservation has declared that the leak has been permanent sealed with concrete.

PHMSA Says External Pipeline Corrosion At Fault For Last Spring's Santa Barbara Oil Spill

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has determined in its preliminary report issued this week that external pipeline corrosion was the root cause of the devastating 19 May 2015 Santa Barbara oil spill, spoiling miles of coastline more than 100 miles away on Los Angeles beaches.

TransCanada Takes On The US Government Over Keystone XL Pipeline Rejection

TransCanada, the Canadian energy giant aspiring to be the leading energy infrastructure company in North American, has filed suit against the Obama administration for rejecting last November the proposed 2,639-mile cross-border oil pipeline to the U.S. Gulf Coast known as Keystone XL.

Senate Passes New Legislation to Enhance the Safety of the 2.5 million miles of pipelines in the United States

Last week the Senate Commerce Committee passed the Safe Pipes Act, a preliminary step to reauthorize the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) before House and ultimately Executive Level approval.

President Obama Sounds the Death Knell for Keystone XL Pipeline

President Obama announced over the weekend that the construction of the Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline was not in the national interests of the United States.

The decision culminates a seven year review process undertaken by the Department of State and throws into general doubt the export of tar sands oil to foreign markets.

TransCanada Makes 11th Hour Plea to Suspend the Review of the Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Process

Calgary-based TransCanada, in a formal letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, has requested that the Department put off its review of the Presidential Permit application for the Keystone XL pipeline.

Pakistan and Russia Agree To Build Long Distance Natural Gas Pipeline

After a decade of protracted negotiations, Russia and Pakistan signed an Inter-Governmental Agreement yesterday on building a 1100-km natural gas pipeline from LNG terminals in southern Pakistan to growing domestic markets in the north. The construction is scheduled to be completed in late 2017.

Baltic States and Poland Reach Consensus on New Transnational Gas Pipeline

Leaders of Poland and the three Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia met today to sign an agreement on a 562 km, 28 inch gas pipeline connecting Poland to Lithuania. The Gas Interconnector Poland-Lithuania (GIPL) will end the long lasting isolation of the Baltic Sea region and bring energy needed for a new economic development.

New California State Requirements Regarding Leak Detection Systems for Intrastate Pipelines

Adding teeth to a number of proposals to better protect California's inland and coastal environment from potential oil and gas pipeline ruptures, Governor Jerry Brown signed a series of bills requiring stricter state inspection of all intrastate pipelines on an annual basis, mandatory leak detection systems for pipelines in environmentally sensitive areas, and the enlistment of fisherman to hel

Finland Seeks EU Help in Financing the Balticconnector Pipeline Between Finland and Estonia

Finland and Estonia announced their intention to work together to build a natural gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia, which would connect Estonian and Finnish gas grids. Dubbed the Balticconnector, the pipeline would increase Finnish import capacities by providing access to the Latvia's natural gas storage in Inčukalns.

Significance of Pipelines Underscored in Energy Transfer's $38 Billion Takeover of Williams Cos.

Energy Transfer Equity LP took a major step in consolidating its partnership assets with a $38 billion acquisition of Williams Cos., fitting CEO Kelcy Warren’s long-standing formula for building an energy empire: Buy companies that connect the dots in the industry to leapfrog competitors.