Politics & Regulation

Federal Court Orders a Full Environmental Review of Dakota Access Oil Pipeline (David T. Stephenson / Shutterstock)
Federal Court Orders a Full Environmental Review of Dakota Access Oil Pipeline (David T. Stephenson / Shutterstock)

Federal Court Orders a Full Environmental Review of Dakota Access Oil Pipeline

In 2017 President  Donald Trump granted federal permits to Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) for the commercial operation of the 1886-km Dakota Access Oil Pipeline. More than two years later, a federal court has ordered the Trump administration to conduct a full environmental review, saying "too many questions remain unanswered.

High Court Says Construction on Nordstream 2 Can Continue (Copyright by: Aksabir / Shutterstock)
High Court Says Construction on Nordstream 2 Can Continue (Copyright by: Aksabir / Shutterstock)

High Court Says Construction on Nordstream 2 Can Continue

The Higher Administrative Court of Berlin - Brandenburg cleared yesterday the last remaining legal obstacle to the completion of the Nordstream 2 Gas Pipeline. The sticking point concerned an environmental impact assessment (EIA) for a 500-km portion (called EUGAL) of the 1200-km long pipeline.

Oil pipeline loaded on railcars (copyright by Shutterstock/Stephen B. Thornton)
Oil pipeline loaded on railcars (copyright by Shutterstock/Stephen B. Thornton)

The Trump Administration Gives Keystone XL A Strategic Victory

Though courtroom challenges still hang like a dark cloud over the $8 billion, 1,930-km oil sands pipeline construction project, the Trump administration today approved a right-of-way allowing Keystone XL to be built.

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Map (copyright by Atlantic Coast Pipeline)
Atlantic Coast Pipeline Map (copyright by Atlantic Coast Pipeline)

Opponents of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Achieve Victory in Big Court Case

Against a backdrop of proposed changes to environmental rules to speed up pipeline projects, inter alia, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia has rejected Dominion Energy's application for a permit to operate a natural gas compressor station integral to the development of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

Nord Stream 2 Construction stopped - Russia Counts on the EU

Following the US sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and the halt of all remaining construction works, Russia now expects the European Union to find a way out of the situation. The EU has an interest in its own energy security at acceptable prices, said the Russian Vice-Chancellor Dmitry Kozak.

TurkStream to provide Serbia with Russian gas

Work on expanding the Turkish Stream pipeline to Serbia should be completed in the coming weeks. Russian President Vladimir Putin explained this at a meeting with his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vučić.

Putin said: "Serbia has been connected to the gas pipeline network, which is an extension of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline".

An FBI Corruption Investigation Ensnares Energy Transfer in Pennsylvania

Doubts surrounding the awarding of the multibillion dollar Mariner East natural gas liquids pipeline system in Pennsylvania have given rise to an FBI corruption investigation into Dallas-based Energy Transfer.  The focus of the agents’ questions involves the permitting of the pipeline, whether Governor Thomas Wolf's administration forced the environmental protection staff to approve constr