Pipeline Business

BP is Selling its UKOP Pipeline Stake and many Fuel Storage Terminals in UK

According to the reports which we cite below, BP is selling off its stake in United Kingdom Oil Pipeline (UKOP) and four of its UK-based fuel storage terminals. BP co-owns UKOP with Total of France, Valero of US and Royal Dutch Shell as a part of a consortium.

Argentina’s Pampa Sells its Indirect Pipeline Stake, Plans to Buy Petrobras Argentina

Argentina’s largest electric utility Pampa Energia revealed that they are selling their indirect stake in the pipeline operator Transportadora de Gas del Sur (TGS) for $241 million. This deal will allow Pampa to work on with the procedures to buy Petrobas Argentina.

Trans Adriatic Pipeline Project to get 78,000 Metric Tons Steel Product Supply by JFE

JFE Steel Corporation made an announcement on July 08 that it will supply major steel materials for the completion of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project. The unincorporated consortium of Marubeni-Itochu Steel Inc. (MISI) and Corinth Pipeworks Pipe Industry S.A. (CPW) won the contract for this project.

Kinder Morgan to sell its Southeastern Pipeline System’s 50% Stake

One of the largest natural gas pipeline operators in USA, Kinder Morgan, has made an official announcement on July 10 that they are selling 50% of its stake in the southeastern pipeline system. Southern Company is buying half of the equity interest in the Southern Natural Gas pipeline system, which will be continued to be operated by Kinder Morgan.

Kinder Morgan gets Partner in the Utopia Pipeline Project, Sells 50% Equity to Riverstone

On June 28, Kinder Morgan, Inc. made a formal announcement that they are selling 50% equity interest of the Utopia pipeline project to the Riverstone Investment Group (LLC). To acquire the rights to become a partner of the project, Riverstone has to make an upfront cash payment to Kinder Morgan.

Two UK firms have been awarded the world’s biggest fiber distributed sensing project to protect and monitor the 1,850km TANAP pipeline project

OptaSense, a UK based worldwide leader in Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and its partner Optilan, a giant company in the world of communications and security systems provision, were awarded the contract running into $30 million early this year. As of now, the project is now entering the phase of equipment delivery.

Energy Transfer Equity Terminates Merger Agreement with the Rival Pipeline Giant Williams Cos.

Back in 2015, Energy Transfer Equity LP (ETE) took a major step consolidating a $33 billion takeover of Williams Cos. (Williams). It was being considered as a major deal, which could create one of North America’s largest energy franchises.

Qatar Petroleum Sells Its 50 Percent Stake in PII Group to Milaha Capital

Interested in divesting what are seen as non-core assets in a period of sustained low oil and gas prices, Qatar Petroleum has sold its stake in oilfield services firm Al Shaheen Holding to Milaha Capital, the wholly-owned investments subsidiary of Qatar Navigation QSA.

ROSEN Group Awarded Big-Ticket Contract For Pipeline Assessment by PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd

ROSEN Group, a global supplier of leading technology in all areas of the pipeline integrity process chain, has secured a major three year contract with PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd (PCSB) of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for Sarawak and Sabeh operations.

Yokogawa Looks To Grow Its SCADA Business After Winning Big Order For Gas Pipeline in Bangladesh

Yokogawa, an innovative US$3.7 billion company engaged in industrial automation and control (IA), test and measurement, and aviation and other businesses segments worldwide, has announced that it has received a large order from the Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL) in Bangladesh for a gas distribution pipeline project in the country.

Spectra Energy and TransCanada Team Up to Build a 1070-km Gas Pipeline From Texas to Mexico

Spectra Energy and TransCanada have been awarded a $3.6 billion contract from the Mexican government to build a 1070-km natural gas pipeline from Corpus Christi to the port city of Tuxpan on the Gulf of Mexico. The pipeline, carrying shale gas from the Eagle Ford rock formation, will ultimately connect with Mexican power plants to help meet the country's growing demand for energy.

TransCanada Clears Last Regulatory Hurdle Before Investment Decision on British Columbia Gas Pipeline

TransCanada has received the final permits from the B.C. Oil and Gas Commission for the $4.8 billion, 650 km Coastal GasLink pipeline from northeast B.C. to the west coast B.C. to serve export markets.

DENSO Group Announces Relaunch of Corporate Website

DENSO Group Germany, leading supplier of corrosion prevention and sealing technology, launches its new corporate website. The website offers new content, optimised technology and a modern design. Oriented on the demands of the customers, the product display has undergone a restructuring and an innovative product finder helps to easily select the right product.

ptc 2016 discussions expand beyond technical aspects

With delegates from 50 different nations, with over 600 participants including staff and management of 53 international pipeline operators, 85 speakers and 12 poster sessions the 11th Pipeline Technology Conference (23-25 May, Berlin) is shaping up to be a pivotal event for the global pipeline community with the following 3 Panel Discussions: