New Fully Electric HDD Rig Developed By STREICHER For Pipeline Construction

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New Fully Electric HDD Rig Developed By STREICHER For Pipeline Construction

STREICHER HDD rig (copyright by STREICHER)
STREICHER HDD rig (copyright by STREICHER)

In a long-standing partnership with Bayernwerk Netz GmbH, MAX STREICHER GmbH & Co. KG aA is building a ring line in the town of Plattling (around 130 km east of Munich) to strengthen the regional power network.

In addition to the know-how that STREICHER brings to the project, there is a second decisive aspect: the technology used. This is because the underground pipes required for installing the supply lines are laid using the so-called horizontal directional drilling method in those areas where open construction with a pipe trench is not possible. In the context of the present project, a total of 5 HDPE pipes with a diameter of DA 250 each are being installed in the Isar riverbed. The covering of the riverbed of the Isar is at least 6 m. Construction progress of 500 m drilling is planned per week. The device used for this is a HDD rig (Horizontal Directional Drilling).

Conventional drilling systems are operated diesel-hydraulically. But the construction industry is changing enormously when it comes to requirements for safety, environmental protection and efficiency. “STREICHER has therefore set itself the goal of developing a completely new type of HDD rigs with an electric drive,” says Boris Böhm, responsible for Business Development & Equipment at STREICHER.

The new electrified HDD system achieves particular improvements in terms of emission protection. It is many times quieter than its predecessor and significantly reduces CO2 emissions. For example, inner-city projects can be carried out with almost no emissions because the system can be supplied via the public power grid and moving the drilling rig is possible with battery operation. In addition, the system impresses with an enormous increase in efficiency: the high-voltage intermediate circuit with battery enables the feed-in power to be adjusted flexibly and as required to the drives. This means that the system reaches its peak performance comparatively late and works in a more resource-efficient manner.


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