Interview with YPI Early Achievement Award winner Toon De Bruyne

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Interview with YPI Early Achievement Award winner Toon De Bruyne

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From left to right: Erik Cornelissen (representing the award sponsor ROSEN Group), Toon De Bruyne, Kate Stratogianni (© 2024 Ralph Thiele / EITEP)
From left to right: Erik Cornelissen (representing the award sponsor ROSEN Group), Toon De Bruyne, Kate Stratogianni (© 2024 Ralph Thiele / EITEP)

How does it feel to receive such recognition from your peers in the pipeline industry?

It was a true honor to receive this recognition and to have the opportunity to say a few words on stage during the social gathering at the PTC.
It is pleasant to see that the PTC and YPI want to support young professionals in the industry and motivate them to aim even higher.

Could you tell us about your background and how you became involved in the pipeline industry?

I’m a Belgian Pipeliner and started working in the pipeline industry in 2014 at the Belgian construction company Denys directly when I received my civil engineering degree. I did not know anything about the pipeline industry back then but I had to opportunity to work with several experienced coworkers who learned me everything on the job. I worked on several pipeline construction projects in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany in different roles as site manager – project engineer and project manager. Since 3 years I’m working as project manager at Pipelink.
I’m now 33 years old, married and have two young children of 2 and 4 years old.

Given your current role as a Projectmanager at Pipelink NV, could you discuss significant milestones that have led you to where you are right now in your career?

  • Going to the jobfaire on my university where I got told about Pipelines, unfortunately a world nothing was told about during my school career. 
  • Following the master in pipeline technology was really important, it gave me a complete vision of the industry next to the construction projects I was working on.
  • Working in Belgium-The Netherlands an Germany gave me a new, broader  perspective on pipelines in Europe.

Can you share any notable projects or initiatives you've worked on that have had a significant impact on the pipeline industry?

  • Pipeliner: first as a board member and currently as chair. Pipeliner is the foundation responsible for the Master in sciences in Pipeline Technology and a more professional course the so called ‘Beroepsopleiding’. With Pipeliner we want to help solve the war on talent for the pipeline industry. We will try to give the pipeline industry a place in the programs of the general education and universities. 
  • Working on facilitating the energy transition at Pipelink

In your experience, what are some of the key challenges that the pipeline industry faces today?

  • The Bad atmosphere around pipelines in the general public. It is important that everybody in the industry talks positive about our industry when talking about the job with friends and family.
  • The war on talent, in both blue and white collar jobs company’s are having difficulties to find the necessary people to achieve the ambitious goals for the energy transition.
  • The NIMBY principle and difficulties to get permits for new projects even when they are having a positive impact on the energy transition.

What role do you believe young professionals can play in shaping the future of the pipeline industry?

Creating a positive atmosphere around the industry. Ofcourse we need young professionals to continue the industry itself. But it are the young professionals working on the energy transition who can create a more positive atmosphere around pipelines by mentioning the importance of pipelines in everybody’s daily life and the energy transition.

Apart from your professional pursuits, what are some of your hobbies or interests that bring you joy and help you maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Spending time with the family is important for me, my young children put everything in perspective when I come back home. 
Besides that I love to do sport, riding my mountainbike or running in nature as a favorite.

Finally, how do you see the future of the pipeline industry evolving, and what role do you envision for yourself in shaping that future??

I would like to see the Pipeline industry being recognized as the 5th transport modality and being recognized for the importance in the daily life of everybody.
I hope a can play a small role in this in my job at Pipelink and at the Pipeliner.