1st International Pipeline Seminar Week provided comprehensive operational knowledge
The annual Pipeline Technology Conference ptc is known for its permanent dealing with the latest technological developments in the pipeline industry.
Participants have increasingly requested to treat some developments with regard to a deeper application in their companies. Therefore in the past 1-2 years special seminars have been appended to the conference.
Given the scope of the topic "Pipeline life-cycle extension strategies - new technologies in operation” a new seminar was extended to one week separated in time from the conference.
This 1st International Pipeline Seminar Week has taken place from 21-25 October 2013 in Hamburg, Germany. Participants from different pipeline operators around the world joined this new idea.
Within the five days of the seminar detailed information about well-approved strategies for a failure-free and economic operation and maintenance of high-pressure oil and gas pipeline systems were transferred. Three of Germany’s largest pipeline operators (Open Grid Europe, Thyssengas, Ontras) gave an insight into their experiences together with lecturers from universities and technology and service providers.
Within this system experienced lecturers and participants had the opportunity to discuss problems about Leak detection, Pipeline safety, In-line inspection, Pipeline integrity management systems as well as Repair works in depth. Theoretical lectures and practical demonstrations combined with site visits and sightseeing made the seminar to a very efficient event.
Mr. Abdeljalil Chaieb, Chef de Département Audit Technique, sergaz (Société de service du Gazoduc Transtunisien), Tunisia stated that: "My colleagues and I got a very good insight into latest technologies in operation in the European pipeline market. I could really recommend the International Pipeline Seminar Week for any international pipeline operator".
The date for the 2nd International Pipeline Seminar Week will be announced soon. Please subscribe to our newsletter in order to stay updated.