The Challenge of an All-In-One Inspection - First Results and Benefits

For more than 5 years TRAPIL, a pipeline operator has researched an inspection tool that would allow, in a single run, the detection, location, identification and sizing of dents, metal losses and crack anomalies (axial and circumferential) affecting liquid product pipelines.
The search for an “all-in-one” tool would generate gains in terms of pipeline operations. The runs are done at significantly reduced speeds, an “all in one” tool would therefore make it possible to limit the runs number, and thus the flow reductions, and the operational losses.
Phased Array UT technology is a disruptive technology that allows a wide range of adjustments. TRAPIL therefore turned to this technology to try to achieve this all-in-one run.
TRAPIL relied on its existing tool XTRASONIC NEO®, its test bench, regulatory obligations, its experience, and its buried pipes to establish its specifications.
The objective of this paper is to show how TRAPIL managed to develop this tool, the successes and points for improvement generated during this process, as well as the first encouraging results obtained.