Products & Solutions

Yokogawa Secures Another Major Contract For Its SCADA Systems

Yokogawa UK, a subsidiary of Yokogawa Electric Corporation, has received an order from the British Pipeline Agency (BPA) for a management and control system for a multi-product fuel pipeline.

This project will replace BPA’s existing pipeline management and supervisory control and data acquisition (Scada) systems.

Dresser-Rand To Provide Equipment for a 1500 km Gas Pipeline Running North to South in Mexico

The Dresser-Rand business, part of Siemens Power and Gas Division, has received orders to supply five gas turbine-driven compressor trains for two pipelines in Mexico.

The customer is the Mexican project developer Fermaca Enterprises (Fermaca)

The ROSEN Group supplies all 48” tools and equipment to SPIECAPAG for TAP

The Field Products and Service line of ROSEN will provide effective equipment for pre-commissioning activities to SPIECAPAG (France) by suppling 48’’ pre-commissioning tools, tracking equipment, as well as accessories to be used for the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP).

Atmos International's Turnkey Leak Detection System a Boon for Pipeline Operators and the Global Environment

The pipeline industry has long attempted to detect gas and oil pipeline leaks in a reliable and credible way. Frequently these attempts went awry, as many systems claimed to have identified a leak where none existed. Indeed, there were so many false leak alarms that the operator lost confidence in the systems.

Atmos International Stymies Pipeline Theft With Its Theft Net Technology

Atmos International, a Manchester, UK based company providing pipeline leak and theft detection and simulation technology to the oil, gas, water, and associated industries, has announced that it is successfully applying its innovative Theft Net data analysis service to accurately pin-point illegal tapping points.

STATS Group Obtains DNV GL Certification For Mechanical Connectors

The STATS Group, a specialist engineering company and service provider operating predominantly in the arena of piping and pipeline integrity and maintenance, has received international certification from DNV GL, the world's largest classification society, for the design and manufacture of its mechanical connector range.

Schneider Electric Sets New Industry Standard With Pipeline Trainer 1.0

Schneider Electric, a global specialist in energy management and automation serving customers in over 100 countries, has announced a new Pipeline Trainer 1.0 built on SimSuite 7 framework. The re-engineered tool will challenge pipeline controllers with real-life scenarios, strengthening their preparedness for such events when actually on the job.

A.Hak To Showcase Innovative 3 Inch Ultrasound Piglet at 11th Annual Pipeline Technology Conference in Berlin

A.Hak Industrial Services has announced that its new 3 inch pipeline and furnace inspection systems are available for projects worldwide after the first pilot projects were successfully executed. This most recent development is part of a new range of faster tools with XYZ mapping possibilities.

Drones with Innovative Gas Detection Sensors Usher In A New Pipeline Inspection Era

The Pipeline Research Council International (PRCI), of Falls Church, Virginia, has funded a project resulting in the successful testing of a drone equipped with a methane gas sensor able to detect methane gas with a greater sensitivity than previously available.

PetroLight Company Introduces Sensitive Methane Annunciator FOMA For Gas Pipelines

The Fiber-Optic Methane Annunciator (Detector) intended for continuous monitoring of methane leakages from gas pipelines has been developed by the Moscow-based PetroLight Company. The device does not require additional electricity connection and is based on near-infrared diode laser with wave length of 1,651µm and is able to detect the methane concentration of 0,5 – 1%.

CEPA Sets New Industry Standard With Its Pipeline Industry Performance Report

Sending a powerful signal that Canada is putting pipeline safety at the top of its energy priorities, the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) has released for the first time a pipeline industry performance report detailing what Canadian pipeliners have been doing to improve safety, minimise environmental impacts and maximize operational reliability of their collective pipeline systems.

New Interactive Digital Map Provides Current Information on Canada's Vast Oil and Gas Pipeline Network

The Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) is raising the transparency bar by launching a new interactive digital map, giving Canadians easy access to detailed information on over 100,000 km of member transmission pipelines crisscrossing the country.