Europipe and NDT join the advisory committee
The two new members are:
- Dr. Hans-Georg Hillenbrand, Director Sales, EUROPIPE GmbH
- Ulrich Schneider, Director Sales, NDT Systems & Services AG
The two new members are:
Carlo Maria Spinelli is technology planner for eni gas & power. He is the eni official member in EPRG (European Pipeline Research Group), in GERG (Groupe Europeenne Recherce Gaziere) and in IGU (International Gas Union) .
Mr. Hans-Joachim de la Camp, Head of Dept. Pipelines and Authorized Inspector of TÜV SÜD Industrie Service joins the Pipeline Technology Conference advisory committee. He will also be one of the important players for the TÜV / DVGW pipeline safety session at ptc 2012.
The First Announcement and Call for Papers is published. It contains all relevant information for interested parties that would like to send in presentation suggestions or reserve a booth within the exhibition... and more.
After 6 years of being part of HANNOVER MESSE trade show, ptc needs more space to keep pace with the increasing number of attendees and exhibitors. For the first time, the ptc will now have its own exhibition hall and conference hotel. The new venue is the prestigious "HCC - Hannover Congress Centrum".
The new abstract database is online. It does not only include all previous abstracts, speakers and companies but now also all the published papers.
After Prof. Dr. Klaus Homann from Thyssengas and Dr. Gerald Linke from E.ON Ruhrgas, Heinz Watzka from Open Grid Europe has now taken over the co-chair of Pipeline Technology Conference. He is Managing Director Technical Services at Germany's leading gas transmission company and provides his technical expertise to the further developement of ptc.
PIpeline Technology Conference 2011 is not over and the first sponsors has already confirmed his participation for ptc 2012. Rosen Group, Platinum Sponsor of ptc 2011, will again be the Platinum Sponsor of the next conference in 2012.