Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Leads The Way In Reducing Methane Gas Emissions

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Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Leads The Way In Reducing Methane Gas Emissions

PG&E sign at their headquarters in San Francisco (© Shutterstock/Sundry Photography)
PG&E sign at their headquarters in San Francisco (© Shutterstock/Sundry Photography)

Nearly one year ago, PG&E submitted its annual emissions data to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Using 2015 emissions levels as a baseline value, the data demonstrated that PG&E had reached more than 24% emissions reductions by mid-year 2022, with an additional 5% forecast by the end of 2023.

"This is an exciting advancement in our work to deliver on our climate goals for our customers and the state. Together, we can take aim at the next objective on our climate-action agenda-- not only protecting the planet, but helping it begin to heal. That's a stand that I--and all of my coworkers at PG&E--are proud to take," said Gas Engineering Senior Vice President Christine Cowsert.

PG&E's Gas Operations and Engineering teams took a comprehensive approach to reduce emissions from the natural gas system, including:

  • Enhancing the leak survey program that now assesses more than 42,000 miles of natural gas distribution pipeline every three years versus the previous every-five-years rotation. Applying enhanced leak detection technologies and utilizing an accelerated repair schedule for the largest emissions findings, also known as the PG&E Super Emitter Program.
  • Modifying standard natural gas release or "venting" practices used to prepare transmission pipelines for maintenance, repair or replacement projects.
  • Replacing more than 100 pneumatic controllers at compressor stations and natural gas storage facilities.
  • Introducing quarterly leak surveys at compressor stations and natural gas storage facilities.

The executive summary of the Staff Evaluation Report, highlights that "These results have been achieved by close collaboration between Summary Plan Description (SPD), Air Resources Board (CARB) staff, and engineering teams at the utilities to develop new leak measurement methods."

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation, is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and Central California.

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