Iran Working on Major Gas Pipeline to Boost Domestic Supply and Export Capacities

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Iran Working on Major Gas Pipeline to Boost Domestic Supply and Export Capacities

Gulf of Oman & Strait of Hormuz on the map (© Shutterstock/Nick Beer)
Gulf of Oman & Strait of Hormuz on the map (© Shutterstock/Nick Beer)

The National Iranian Gas Company's engineering subsidiary, led by Reza Noshadi, on Tuesday, gave updates on the progress of a 200-kilometre gas pipeline from Minab to Kuhmobarak on the Sea of Oman.

According to the reports, the pipeline is expected to increase the gas supply to domestic customers in the region while demonstrating Iran's ability to supply gas to Oman.

Noshadi stated that the pipeline's first section, a 120-kilometre segment from Minab to Sirik, is almost 87% complete. Meanwhile, construction on the second section, from Sirik to Kuhmobarak, began in February.

The pipeline will be connected to Iran's seventh leg of the gas pipeline grid, and the gas supply will come from South Pars, the world's largest gas field situated on the maritime border between Iran and Qatar in the Persian Gulf.

However, Noshadi stated that Iran would rely on additional gas supplies from countries like Russia under swap agreements to begin exporting to Oman.

The official added that expanding gas pipelines to coastal regions in Iran's southeast would enhance the country's new export capabilities.

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