Illegal Pipeline Tapping: 6 killed, 16 injured in Northern Egypt

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Illegal Pipeline Tapping: 6 killed, 16 injured in Northern Egypt

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An oil pipeline has exploded Wednesday in Egypt, killing and injuring multiple people. According to the authorities, at least six people were killed and 16 others injured. The victims are said to be oil thieves. 

The accident occurred in the northern province of al-Buhaira, according to the Egyptian Ministry of Health. The cause was an attempted oil theft. A fire broke out, causing a detonation. 

Illegal Pipeline Tapping continue to be a major problem, not only in Egypt. Earlier in 2019, a devastating pipeline explosion killed nearly 100 people in Mexico.

The international pipeline industry is actively trying to prevent such tragic events. That is why the upcoming Pipeline Technology Conference and Exhibition will, amongst other things, discuss ways of combating such tragedies. 

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