Gas Flow Via Russia's Poland-Germany Pipeline Remains On Hold

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Gas Flow Via Russia's Poland-Germany Pipeline Remains On Hold

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Pipeline valve with manometer (© Shutterstock/Krasowit)
Pipeline valve with manometer (© Shutterstock/Krasowit)

The westbound gas flow through the Yamal-Europe pipeline transporting gas from Russia to Germany via Poland is still on hold since Saturday, Gascade operator's data revealed on Thursday, November 4, 2021, Reuters reported.

Currently, gas flows into Germany at the strategic Mallnow metering point, lying on the Polish border, halted on Saturday, November 30. Since then, the pipeline has not yet resumed operations, according to the data shared by the German gas pipeline operator.

Reuters reported that the halt in gas supply through the major gas pipeline to Germany resulted in gas prices hike by 15% as of November 3.

With Europe depending on Russia for about 35% of natural gas, any mishap on any conduits such as the Yamal, which goes through Belarus, Poland to Germany, Nord Stream, and other pipelines running through Ukraine to Europe, can quickly result in significant domestic gas shortages.

Since Europe has a series of interconnected pipeline networks, not every country get their gas imported from Russia directly, instead, they are supplied through routes going through other countries.

In the event of low gas flow from Russia, countries such as Germany—the largest consumer of Russia's natural gas, have to source gas from other major gas supplies such as Norway to cover the deficit.

According to Europe's energy chief, European countries have enough gas to meet their domestic needs during the Winter, but consumers would have to pay higher prices for the essential commodity.

While Russia's natural gas demand in European markets has gone abit higher in 2021, Refinitiv Eikon data shows that Russia's gas export to Europe has dropped significantly in the first ten months of this year (2021) to the same period last year.

Based on the data,  Russia supplied 31,806gigawatt-hours a day of natural gas, a slump from 33,466 GWh/d during the same period. Meanwhile, global gas prices continue to shoot as European countries scramble for gas supplies amid shortages.

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