EITEP Institute Launched New German Pipeline Seminar Series
For several years, the EITEP Institute is organizing English language seminars on pipeline related topics as part of the international Pipeline Technology Conference (ptc) in Berlin.
The first German seminar on pipeline inspection was held from 18-20 January 2023 in Essen, Germany. The unique combination of the experts Dr. Michael Beller and Dr. Konrad Reber together with Dirk Strack, who as the former technical manager of TAL (Transalpine Ölleitung) brought in the operator's perspective, provided a comprehensive overview of the possibilities and strategies for inspecting pipelines. The seminar focused on the challenges of ageing pipeline infrastructure and the various inspection technologies available to address these issues.
The attendees were given an in-depth look at the use of pigs and other tools for pipeline inspection, as well as the performance of inspection from both the service provider's and operator's point of view. Additionally, the seminar covered the evaluation of data from both perspectives, providing insight into the best practices for analyzing and interpreting inspection results.
The seminar also included an excursion to the premises of German pipeline operator OGE, where attendees were given the opportunity to see real-life examples and gain hands-on experience.
The successful launch of the 3-days seminar in Essen was the starting point for more German seminars that will be announced shortly via www.pipeline-seminar.com.