Chihuahua and Mexico Pacific Sign Deal to Develop Sierra Madre Pipeline

The governments of the State of Chihuahua and Mexico Pacific have officially signed a groundbreaking agreement to develop a strategic gas pipeline to bolster energy supply in the region.
The collaboration is set to concentrate efforts on the construction and operation of the Sierra Madre Pipeline, a visionary project poised to position Mexico as the world's fourth-largest exporter of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
The expansive Sierra Madre Pipeline will span from the U.S.-Mexico border to the Saguaro Energía Liquefaction Plant in Puerto Libertad, Sonora, facilitating the daily transport of approximately 2.8 billion cubic feet of natural gas.
This venture, championed by Governor Maru Campos and supported by state and municipal leaders, holds the promise not only of fortifying global energy security but also of fostering employment opportunities, infrastructure development, and economic expansion throughout Chihuahua and the broader Mexican landscape.
Ivan Van der Walt, CEO of Mexico Pacific, conveyed his contentment at the formalization of this strategic partnership with the Government of Chihuahua.
Emphasizing the company's dedication to constructing world-class energy infrastructure, he underscored the imperative of avoiding environmentally sensitive areas and respecting the concerns of indigenous communities in the pipeline's design.
Governor Maru Campos hailed the collaboration as a significant stride towards regional competitiveness and a magnet for future investments.
She asserted that the Sierra Madre Pipeline would establish Chihuahua as the primary conduit for natural gas, reaffirming her commitment to providing the essential conditions for the successful realization of this transformative project.