Advisory Committee discusses Key Topics for ptc 2022

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Advisory Committee discusses Key Topics for ptc 2022

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ptc Advisory Committee Members in front of Herrenknecht Tunnel Boring Machine (© Michael Lubberger, Herreknecht)
ptc Advisory Committee Members in front of Herrenknecht Tunnel Boring Machine (© Michael Lubberger, Herreknecht)

After two years of online meetings, the Pipeline Technology Conference advisory committee was able to meet again in-person. On Friday, 15 October the members of the committee met for a hybrid meeting with participants on site and online at Herrenknecht in Schwanau.

In addition to a discussion about the new hybrid event concept and the adjustments in the pricing model for participants, the main focus was on the line-up for the various highlight sessions of ptc 2022. In addition to new technological developments and case studies, important topics will include decarbonization and digitalization, CCS, public perception, labor shortages and the promotion of young talent.

The next ptc advisory committee meeting will take place during the 17th Pipeline Technology Conference, 7-10 March 2022 in Berlin.

The ptc advisory committee consists of 48 members from international pipeline operators, technology and service providers, and scientific bodies.  It reviews the submitted presentation proposals and advises the EITEP Institute on the future development of the ptc.


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