$6.3 Million Pipeline Upgrade Project to Boost Reliable Water Supply in Western Australia

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$6.3 Million Pipeline Upgrade Project to Boost Reliable Water Supply in Western Australia

The flag of Australia (© Shutterstock/esfera)
The flag of Australia (© Shutterstock/esfera)

Residents in and around Kojonup in Western Australia's Great Southern region are set to benefit from a significant boost in water reliability following a $6.3 million upgrade to aging water pipelines in nearby Katanning.

As reported by The National Tribune on Wednesday, Nov. 2022, the project, completed in November 2023, involved replacing 2.2 kilometers of pipeline from Pemble Street to Kojonup-Katanning Road. 

The upgrade will ease pressure on existing supply infrastructure and reduce potential leaks, ensuring a more secure and reliable water supply for over 530 homes and businesses in Kojonup.

"Water is one of our most precious resources, and we're committed to delivering secure and reliable water to communities right across Western Australia," said Federal Minister for Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek. 

"Projects like this, which upgrade old water infrastructure, are crucial for ensuring that we can move water more efficiently to where it's needed, reduce leakage, and guarantee a consistent supply for communities and farmland along the pipeline."

The project was delivered by Water Corporation and jointly funded by the Federal and WA Governments through the Australian Government's National Water Grid Fund (NWGF) as part of the $43.8 million Western Australia Connections package.

"This is a significant investment in regional WA and a testament to our commitment to providing reliable drinking water to regional Western Australians," stated Western Australian Water Minister Simone McGurk. 

"This financial year alone, the Cook Government has allocated $43.4 million towards water and wastewater projects in the Great Southern."

The Kojonup pipeline upgrade is one of eight regional WA projects partially funded under the NWGF currently in various delivery stages. The WA Government, through Water Corporation, has also allocated over $290 million for new water and wastewater projects in regional WA in FY 2023-24.

These investments underscore the importance of ensuring a reliable and secure water supply in regional Western Australia for both current and future generations.

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