INGU is revolutionizing pipeline integrity programs by providing pipeline condition information over the full length of the pipeline under operational conditions.
This allows operators to take a targeted, informed approach to their pipeline integrity program and keep their pipelines operating safely and efficiently. INGU has offices in Calgary (Canada) and Houston (United States), and distribution partners on all continents.
The patented INGU Pipers® solution pairs a baseball-sized free-floating multi-sensor system with machine learning powered data analytics and a GIS based client dashboard. The Pipers® solution accurately identifies and locates potential issues such as leaks, deposits, and changes in wall condition that threaten pipeline health. Pipers® are suitable for all pipelines, independent of pipeline diameter and material, and are certified to be used under operational conditions, i.e. no shutdown required.
Since the market introduction in 2018, Pipers® have been deployed in more than 800 pipelines, inspecting over 3,700 miles of pipeline, in over 30 countries around the world. Application areas range from gathering and transport pipelines, to fresh water and wastewater mains, and heat exchangers & facility piping.
INGU’s Pipers® solution provides full visibility across the global pipeline infrastructure ensuring pipeline safety and efficiency.