Using simulation to overcome operational challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Atmos International (Atmos) is continuously working with the pipeline industry to develop solutions to overcome operational challenges. Atmos Simulation (SIM) Suite is an operational tool that users can trust to help operators run their pipelines safely, efficiently and with clarity and visibili ty.
Atmos SIM Online, working in real-time, performs a hydraulic simulation allowing pipeline operators to monitor all pipelines without the limitations of instrumentation availability. With Atmos SIM, operators benefit from fast and accurate simulations, providing meaningful information that operations teams can act upon quickly and with confidence.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused additional challenges to pipeline operators and left some of them with reduced staff sizes. Operations teams with reduced members have used Atm os SIM to quickly identify faults with critical instrumentation. Atmos SIM enables them to isolate the issues by overriding the values with trusted simulated values. This helps users to continue to operate their pipelines with confidence while a maintenance team is dispatched and the problem is resolved.
Operating pipelines can be difficult, particularly if the product doesn’t remain in t he optimum region for efficient transport which is especially true when transferring varying grades of crude oil. Atmos Batch is an additional Atmos SIM module that allows operators to track, merge and blend their products while retaining and providing the information of the various component fractions of the batches and calculating its new physical properties itself to ensure the product reaches its destination safely and efficiently.
Atmos continuously innovate and improve its solutions including Atmos SIM and provide excellent customer care to our global customer base.