A Holistic Approach to Achieve Excellence in Pipeline Security Using „BISMA” & “SOLIDS”

One of subsidiaries of Pertamina is Pertamina Gas which manage special task in operating crude oil transportation 12,000 BOPD. In the operation still occur illegal tapping activities and risk of pipeline product theft is a major concern to industry. In 2012, oil thieves drilled 748 illegal taps or an average 2 times every day. Losses from transportation approximately 40% per day and loss revenue more than $20 million a year. The activities of illegal tapping by cutting into pipelines can cause pipeline ruptures and explosions, leading to human casualties, destruction of property, and damage to the environment.
Pertamina Gas is a company who has focus in midstream and downstream of gas industry in Indonesia. Pertamina Gas implement BISMA (Business Map) and SOLIDS (Security and Oil Lossess management with integrated Detection System) to achieve excellence in pipeline security. About 30 segments have a Medium-High Risk and 22 locations that being illegal tapped.
BISMA is an application that using GIS as tools to differentiate assets by colour/symbol such as transmission pipeline, station and visualize each pipeline segment with risk score. SOLIDS includes liquid management system (LMS), pipeline leak detection system (PLDS), security patrol, emergency response team (ERT), communication network and corporate social responsibility. With BISMA capability in storing risk analysis, it could enhance the AMS operating methods based on rating and periodic maintenance to achieve operational reliability. LMS is a system to control and monitor crude oil distribution and also dispatch data to BISMA.
With PLDS, it could detect the drift in the operating pressure of crude oil transportation and determine location of oil pipeline leaks based on the negative wave pressure data received b y transmitter on a particular pipe segment. The main difference between theft event and leak event on a pipeline is the speed of product losses. Illegal tapping points withdraw product very slowly, and no product is split on t he ground. Security patrol carries out supervision in the right of way and finding l eak location coordinate that detected by PLDS. ERT take a specific actions r egarding oil spill response management.
The implementation of BISMA and SOLIDS is an innovative oil los s detection technologies and pipeline security that detect product thefts quickly and accurately l ocate those illegal tapping points. Pertamina Gas has been succeeded in reducing losses from illegal taps from 2013 until 2018. In 2013 the number of illegal tapping cases as much as 748 points and decreased significantly in 2018 zero case.