Editorial ptj 3-2020

With this 3rd edition of the ptj in 2020 we are publishing 10 more articles from the 15th Pipeline Technology Conference that had to be restructured into a virtual event on short notice earlier this year.
The global pandemic is pushing us all to speed up digital transformation. For this reason, you could now see different kinds of online events and webinars popping up in your mailbox on a daily basis. But we all know that these online events will never achieve what can be created with a face-toface meeting during a real conference and exhibition.
Nevertheless, several essential physical event benefits could already be implemented into online concepts. In addition to the pure transfer of knowledge via keynote speeches, panel discussions and technical presentations, the free networking between all participants and the comparative competition of a multitude of solutions on the market are of particular importance.
The figures from the first ever Virtual Pipeline Summit (VPS) on “Digital Transformation in the Pipeline Industry” demonstrate that this comprehensive approach is attracting great interest. More than 600 participants from 69 different countries joined the event. Almost 30% of the participants came from pipeline operators. The 2nd VPS on “Leak Detection and Third-Party Impact Prevention” wil take place on 7 October 2020.
The comprehensive pool of experience that can be gained from these new formats will also be incorporated into the planning of the 16th Pipeline Technology Conference from 15-18 March 2021. In addition to the face-to-face event in Berlin, there will also be a strong online part, which will lead further interested pipeline professionals into the ptc community not only in these challenging times but also in the future.
I look forward to seeing you again in person at ptc 2021 in Berlin and to having a virtual chat during one the upcoming VPS events.
Sincerely yours
Dennis Fandrich,
Director Conferences
EITEP Institute