Nord Stream Pipeline Reaches Major Milestone of 100 Billion Cubic Metres of Shipped Gas

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Nord Stream Pipeline Reaches Major Milestone of 100 Billion Cubic Metres of Shipped Gas

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Nord Stream Pipeline celebrated a major milestone last week by noting 100 billion cubic metres of Russian natural gas shipped through the Baltic Sea to the European Union since the pipeline opened in November 2011.

The pipeline’s transport capacity of 55 bcm per year can provide more than 10 percent of the current gas demand in the EU, making Nord Stream a key part of the European supply infrastructure.

“This milestone was reached due to the commitment and vision demonstrated by the Nord Stream team and our shareholders, through all phases of the project”, says Matthias Warnig, Managing Director of Nord Stream AG, “Natural gas demand is projected to grow, yet EU’s gas production is rapidly declining. The EU needs access to additional gas imports in a secure, environmentally sound way and under sensible economic conditions. Nord Stream is making a major contribution to meet these import requirements, yet more is needed in the future. I look forward to the next 100 bcm milestone.”

Construction of the twin pipeline system began in April 2010, and was completed with the inauguration of the second line in October 2012. Nord Stream will constitute a reliable supply of Russian natural gas to Europe for at least the next 50 years.


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